Monday, May 15, 2006

I was robbed!!!

It is quite some time since my last blog. About ten stories enter and leave the other side of my head each day on average. There is for example the interesting disussion on BBC5Live at the moment where the commentator reads out a text. The texter wonders why it is that prisoners get paid for cleaning and doing menial jobs while in custody yet a prisoner who engages in education while in custody receives nothing.

It is quite easy to rant and rave about any subject but there is so much to say and not the space to say it and in the case of a blog, possibly no one to read. All this leads to frustration. One thinks of the bus drive rampage on the Naas Dual Carriageway last Sunday week. While I have sympathy for the family and to the numerous drivers who have had their cars damaged - I will return to this matter shortly- one has to wonder what provoked the former employee of a private bus company to steal a bus and engage in his own version of Speed.

It is great to be working again as it is allowing me to pay for those normal every month expenses out on theft. Last month it was 335 for a new bike following the theft of my bike of the same model. This month it is 1,000euro for crash repairs further to the Nike imprints placed in my now dented Daewoo Nubira.

Since returning to my car and unburdening myself with the disgust, I have encountered quite a casual attitude towards insurance. If only it was so but it is the case that the damage done to my car by vandals in an attempted theft means that it is not the insurance company who takes care of the vehicle. It is the owner of the car. My insurance last year at 1360Euro is threatened with losing its existing no claims bonus of 19% if I claim, and with a further 40% load on top of the standard price. It is cheaper for me to pay out direct.

While I am being drawn towards the hang em and flog em brigade on account of my 5 bicycle thefts, the graffiti outside my apartment block and the 6 repeated thefts of my previous car and the current situation with my present car, retribution of society must also find its way to the insurance companies.

What is the point of insurance if the result of vandalism and theft is that neither the criminal nor the insurance company pays out but the policy holder. This process demonstrates what exists is a fraud. If one does not have their car insured they are fined. This legislation calls into question the legitimacy of insurance companies operation in the field of car insurance.


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